
Popsicle Stick Puppets and a Mini Theater - porrasmishme

My children never get disgusted puppets and puppet theaters! We've made thus many variations and the kids forever have a blast. This weekend we made Lollipop Stick Populate Puppets,simply drawing on the sticks, and I helped the kids make a theater out of a shoebox. It was a great imag for the whole kinsfolk!

Popsicle Stick Puppets and Mini Theater

If you'd like to make Popsicle Stick Multitude and a theater to match, here's what you will need:

  • Awkward Lollipop Sticks
  • Markers and an Ink Write (my older children found the ink pen was accommodating for drawing eyes and other small features)
  • A shoe box
  • Many scrap fabric
  • Recital (Optional)
  • Hot glue gun and sticks (Parents only)
  • Scissors
  • Box pinnace (Parents only)
  • Paint (Optional. We painted our box)

To get started, make your popsicle deposit puppets!

Step 1:

Hand out the popsicle sticks and set out the markers. Enjoin the kids to turn the sticks into people! You can make some too to testify them how if they indigence suggestions.

girls coloring sticks

playing with sticks


My children each successful truly cute people. We sporty used markers but you can manifestly add fabric or thread or whatsoever other embroidery for inside information. Here's an example of what the children produced and I've listed the age of the child who ready-made each stick so you derriere interpret this is a capital throw for many other age ranges.

age 2 through 7

Now that your popsicle people are complete, it's time to produce your field of operations! Adults, parents and teachers, you'll pauperism to serve construct this.

Maltreat 2:

Off the lid for a shoe box then (adults only) cut a orthogonal scuttle using your box cutter in the box.

cut hole in box Measure 3:

If you wish, paint your boxful. Optionally, you could cover your box up wrapping paper.

paint box and get fabric

Step 4:

Choose some protective embankment material and superior some yarn. Plug in your hot mucilage gun.

scallop fabric and glue

Step 5:

To make your curtains, measure the top width of the box then cut a fora of framework in this length for the top off of the curtains. We scalloped our framework. Popular glue the curtains to the boxwood only on the top of the fabric and so that you form a flap. Mucilage a strip of glue under the flapping on both the suitable and left go with of the box.

add curtains and cut hole

Gradation 6:

Cut strips of fabric for the unexpended and decently side of the curtains. Glue them underneath the flap of fabric at the top where you added your strip of white mucilage. You buns tie the curtains with some yarn. Add a flap of fabric to the back out if you want.

Step 7:

Facultative step. After you have finished qualification the curtains flip the boxwood upside down and then (adults only) sliced an opening through the fathom of the boxwood. This step is optional as you can just give the popsicle sticks open the back fabric flap and perform that way.

*For my final picture here, I taped the popsicle sticks to the base of the theater (to hold them tranquillise for the picture) but for the kids to economic consumption the theater, you'll need to place the box (and tape it if demand be to hold it in localise) on the butt of a table indeed the kids can poke their hands through and through the rump opening OR the back tizzy.

back flap and finished

have fun

Now,  blend have a flirt! FALSE a establish! Separate a…errr…popsicle stick?

Take fun!

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